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50 of the State Council called for energy conservation policy


The NDRC official said, "program" is to promote the "second five" a programmatic document, clear the "five" of the general requirements, energy conservation, the main objective PSA nitrogen generator, key tasks and policy measures, sub-twelve some months, a total of 50.
Twelve parts: the overall emission PSA nitrogen generator requirements and the main goal, to strengthen energy conservation target responsibility system, adjust and optimize industrial structure; key energy-saving projects, the strengthening of energy management, vigorously develop the circular economy; speed the development of energy saving technologies and applications; sound economic policies, energy, strengthen supervision and inspection of energy; PSA nitrogen generator market-based mechanisms to promote energy conservation, enhancing energy conservation and capacity building based on the mobilization of the whole society in energy conservation.
"Five" of the main objectives? NDRC official said, "program" detailed "Eleventh Five-Year" plan "Program" to determine the emission reduction PSA nitrogen generator. In energy efficiency, in 2015, the National yuan GDP energy consumption fell to 0.869 tons of standard coal.
 "Twelve Five" period, 670 million of coal to achieve energy efficiency.