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How Does Air Purification Work?


Air nitrogen purifier using what is often called HEPA filters. This means that high-efficiency particulate air HEPA too, is a type of mechanical filter traps very small particles, including dust and microorganisms into microscopic pores.
Electronic filters use electric charge to attract them to allergens and other irritants, thereby purifying the air. They are effective to some extent, but does not reduce the amount of odor in the air. Hybrid filter is an electronic system and a combination of HEPA filters. There are also gas filter, reducing the amount of air, such as the smell of cooking smoke trapping them.
It is important to note that many nitrogen purifier system to create ozone or ozone by-products. Such as the use of ionic air purifiers, electronic filters, create ozone concentrations, are not necessarily harmful.
A relatively new technology called photocatalytic oxidation, has begun to be used in air purification. Using this method, the air is clean of pollutants into harmless compounds such as carbon dioxide, water and nitrogen. This is unhealthy substances by ultraviolet radiation of the catalytic converter, according to AIRLIFE decision-makers. A similar process occurs in nitrogen purifier catalytic converters to reduce pollution. AIRLIFE and AirPura the two systems, the use of this technology.