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Monoxide and Nitrogen Dioxide


The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) conducted an experiment in closed chambers to learn the effectiveness of indoor plants in removing carbon monoxide (CO) and nitrogen purifier . NASA used spider plants for experimental control.
After 24 hours, the spider plants removed 96 percent of carbon monoxide and 99 percent of nitrogen dioxide in the testing area. Despite what appears to be a successful outcome, the NASA article deems that there is little evidence that a reasonable number of houseplants nitrogen purifier remove significant quantities of pollutants from homes, offices or schools.
Air purifiers and carbon monoxide monitors have their places in the fight against indoor pollution. However,, in its "The Environmental Illness Resource" article, lauds house plants as a best resort. It says research has demonstrated that certain plants are highly effective natural air purifiers.
The best carbon monoxide-removing plants, according to, are bamboo palm, spider plant, golden pathos, dracaena nitrogen purifier Janet Craig, dracaena marginata, snake plant, peace lily, chrysanthemum, English ivy and heartleaf philodendron.